Ready to emerge as the leader in your service field?

One Program. Big results.

Accelerate Your Service Business’ Gross Profits 

What’s the key to quickly accelerating your gross profits?

It’s the untapped potential in your Front Line Service Managers.

Your front line service managers are your transformation heroes. That’s right; one role on your team could improve your service company forever. But how?

Phil Cooper, a long-time manager in pest control, founded the Accelerated Gross Profit (AGP) program to support service companies by elevating their employees’ soft and hard skills. The results spoke for themselves, often generating a 200% increase in ROI and employee satisfaction rates skyrocketing to 95%.

AGP was tailor-made for the service industry by an industry professional. Phil’s passion for service and dedication to people is why AGP is a standout for owners looking to find better returns on their business.

AGP harnesses your FSMs’ skills, knowledge, and field expertise you need to run your business, and most importantly, their passion. But the fact is, no one is born knowing how to manage teams properly, calculate the cost of goods sold, or how to analyze downtime and labor hours. And those are the skills that move your company forward — emerging as the leader in your market.

AGP Works

1. Invest in your employee’s satisfaction.

Give your FSMs the knowledge and tools they need to raise themselves to their full potential. A prepared employee can better handle your customers, day-to-day business, and unexpected situations. With the right coaching, they will increase productivity, efficiency, and overall effectiveness. When employees enjoy their job and feel fulfilled, they will recruit and refer other talented employees.

2. Increase the rate of happier customers

Happy employees yield outstanding results and, most importantly — happy customers. Satisfied customers lead to repeat business, which has a habit of keeping and bringing in new business.

3. Accelerate your gross profits = Grow your business.

As your customer’s satisfaction grows, so do your profits. You will even start achieving measurable results during the program. Your FSMs are better prepared to lead your technicians, calculate and analyze critical back-office processes, and find confidence in their new career path.

4 Keys to Increasing Gross Margin

1:1 mentoring

Hands-on Learning

In-field Application

Real-time Implementation

Real World Results

What customers are saying

4 Keys to Increasing Gross Margin

The program pays for itself

This experience has significantly increased both hard and soft skills.

Elevating the employee experience is creating better retention and employee referrals.

Deeper understanding of the business’s financial aspect results in massive savings.

Cadence of training sessions is working well within company models.


increase in EDH (effective dollars per hour)

increase in gross profit


increase in gross margin for their team

ROI over two years

Ready to learn how to get a 200% ROI
and accelerate your gross profit?

Service companies enrolled in Accelerated Gross Profit (AGP) have found a 200% ROI and over 95% employee satisfaction. Our bottom line is for you to elevate your employees, increase customer satisfaction, accelerate your gross profits, and grow your business.

Fill out the form for more information or to schedule a no-obligation meeting.

Or email to schedule a no-obligation meeting now.